About Ali Marsland

My story

I’m Ali, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that life doesn’t have to follow the traditional rules. After spending years as a freelancer, transitioning into running my own business, and traveling while working remotely, I’ve built a life that’s unconventional, flexible, and deeply fulfilling. But it didn’t happen overnight, and it didn’t come by following someone else’s script.

My journey has taught me the importance of choosing a path that resonates with my values and desires, rather than conforming to what others expect. I’ve learned that it’s okay to embrace uncertainty and make decisions that feel right for me.

I’ve always been pretty single-minded and have done a bunch of cool stuff – and figured out a few things in the process. Over the years I have:

  • Travelled around the world alone, aged 18 – before mobile phones or the internet
  • Raced dragon boats in China, Czechia, France, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and Venice
  • Ended a 10-year relationship that wasn’t bad because it wasn’t good enough for the life I wanted to live
  • Volunteered in Jordan
  • Visited 65 countries
  • Flown in helicopters over New York, Angkor Wat and Victoria Falls
  • Attended a convent school in Malta
  • Run half-marathons in Tallinn (Estonia) and Cape Town (South Africa)
  • Freelanced for 6 years
  • Worked on a kibbutz in Israel
  • Trekked through the rainforest
  • Set up 3 businesses
  • Decided to stop being shy and become a confident person
  • Worked remotely from 15 countries – since 8 years before Covid made it a ‘thing’
  • Lived in Sudan for a year
  • Found my forever person
  • Learned to read and write Arabic
  • Kayaked with dolphins, whales, seals and penguins
  • Been interviewed on local TV and radio
  • Climbed Table Mountain about 15 times
  • Represented my country at four international sporting events
  • Jumped out of an aeroplane
  • Been in a long-term ethically polygamous relationship
  • Been paragliding in Slovenia and microlighting over Victoria Falls
  • Visited the pyramids, Petra and Angkor Wat

Can I help you live life your way?

What other people say

One conversation with the right person can change your life.

Speaking to Ali was like speaking to a career locksmith who was able to find the right key to the right padlock so that I could progress into the next stage of my career. Her relaxed approach and insightful questions helped me find my own solutions to challenges I didn’t even realise I was facing.”

Matt R.

“Ali understands that self doubt is one of the biggest killers of progress, and just having someone with her incredible levels of enthusiasm around is very inspiring. Spend enough time around her and she will convince you that anything is possible.”

Nick S.

“Sometimes we need someone to ask us a question that no one has ever asked. Ali challenged me in a way that no one else had done before. She unlocked something in my brain about the way the world can be. She showed me there’s a different world there; you just have to walk through the door.”

Sam S.

What can I do for you?

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